Endangered Species Conservation Fund (FONCER)

Each species is vital to its ecosystem

The Project

The Endangered Species Conservation Fund (FONCER) is a financial mechanism composed of endowment resources that aim to conserve species at risk and their habitats within protected areas (PAs) and their areas of influence.


Mexico is a megadiverse country, home to approximately 12% of the planet's species. Currently, the country's ecosystems and species are subject to degradation and various forms of direct pressure, both in the PAs and in the surrounding areas.

Foncer is a long-term financial mechanism inspired by the Protected Areas Fund (FANP), designed to reinforce PAs' effective management. This approach seeks to promote the conservation of priority species at risk and the implementation of management strategies by species with a view to the recovery and/or conservation of their populations.

Since its creation in 2015, the financial management of FONCER's endowment resources has been in charge of FMCN, which channels said resources through local organizations responsible for implementing and operating strategic conservation activities for the various species at risk and their habitats.

The lines of work that guide FONCER's actions are:

  1. Conservation and/or recovery of endangered species and their habitats. 
  2. Participation of local communities that contribute to species conservation management actions.

FONCER preserves critically endangered species, such as the California condor and the Mexican wolf.


In 2022, FONCER's latest Call for Proposals, "Conservation of species at risk and their habitats," concluded, focused on the conservation of critical species such as Kemp's and Olive ridley turtles, the peninsular pronghorn, the California condor, and the Mexican wolf. The participation of the communities played a fundamental role in its compliance and execution. On the one hand, the training and work of the community brigades allowed the monitoring and surveillance of the Kemp's and Olive ridley turtles and the peninsular pronghorn. In addition, collaboration with educational institutions helped spread the importance of species conservation, such as the California condor. On the other hand, working with ranchers in the region strengthened good livestock practices to conserve the Mexican wolf.

Thanks to its perennial nature, FONCER continues to generate resources for future conservation initiatives, ensuring the country's continued protection of threatened wildlife.

Learn more about the project:




  • Global Environment Facility
  • United Nations Development Programme

  • Comisión Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas